Serena Burman is a (mostly) nonfiction writer living on a small island in the Pacific Northwest.

She’s always secretly known she wouldn’t find her life’s work until her mid-30s, but she only admits it because she’s 37 now, and a writer. In the halted world of 2020, she climbed out of a significant depression and began writing personal narrative essays.

Her recent work appears in The Audacity, Pithead Chapel, The Bluebird Word, Invisible City and Black Fork Review. In 2023, her essay “Juno’s House Rules” received Honorable Mention for The 55th New Millennium Award for Nonfiction and she was shortlisted for the Lascaux Review Prize.

She’s currently working on a collection of essays untangling sex and domesticity. She loves puzzles, Trader Johann’s Virtuoso Lip Balm (RIP), and the sun.